University College London
Dept. of General Linguistics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia

E-mail (main): slioussar at
E-mail (university): n.slioussar at

Ph.D. Publications

1. Slioussar, N. (in press). Russkij porjadok slov v tipologicheskoj perspektive: pozicii podlezhaschego v imenitelnom padezhe i nekotoryx glagolnyx form [Russian word order in the typological perspective: Positions of Nominative subjects and certain verb forms]. To appear in: St. Petersburg State University bulletin.

2. Slioussar, N. (2007a). Grammar and Information Structure. A study with reference to Russian. Doctoral dissertation. Utrecht: LOT Publications.

3. Slioussar, N. (2007b). Mysterious nature of the Russian EPP. In: C. Keskin (Ed.), UiL OTS Yearbook (pp. 113-130). Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.

4. Slioussar, N. (2006). Osobennosti kommunikativnogo chlenenija predlozhenija v zavisimosti ot tipologicheskix kharakteristik raznyx jazykov [Information Structure properties of different languages depending on their typology]. In: T. Skrebtsova (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXXV International Philological Conference (March 12-18, 2005). Computational Linguistics Section (Part 2, pp. 16-25). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

5. Slioussar, N. (2005a). Some Properties of Russian Scrambling. In: A. Asbury, I. Brasileiro, & S. Mahanta (Eds.), UiL OTS Yearbook (pp. 81-94). Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.

6. Slioussar, N. (2005b). Eksperimental'noe issledovanie vosprijatija russkix predlozhenij s razlichnym porjadkom slov v zavisimosti ot konteksta [Processing of Russian sentences with different word orders depending on the discourse context: An experimental study]. In: N. Slepokurova (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXXIV International Philological Conference (March 14-19, 2005). General Linguistics Section (Part 2, pp. 19-24). St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University.

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B.A./M.A. Publications

1. Slioussar, N. (2004). Organizacia mental'nogo leksikona na primere russkoj glagol'noj morfologii: eksperimental'noe issledovanie [Mental lexicon structure on the example of Russian verb morphology: experimental study]. In: A. Andronov (Ed.), Collected Articles of the Young Philologists II (pp. 176-184). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

2. Slioussar, N. (2003). Morfologicheskij analiz ili izvlechenie iz pamjati: eksperiment s russkimi glagol'nymi formami [Morphological analysis or extraction from memory: an experiment with Russian verb forms]. In: Proceedings of the 6th Scientific Conference of Philology Students (April 7-11, 2003) (p. 106). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

3. Slioussar, N. (2001b). Mental Lexicon and Russian Verb Morphology: Experimental Study. In: J. Niemi, & J. Heikkinen (Eds.), Morphology 2000 (pp. 32-44). Joensuu: University of Joensuu.

4. Slioussar, N. (2001a). Baza dannyh po russkomu glagolu na osnove "Grammaticheskogo slovarja russkogo jazyka" [Database on Russian verb based on "The Grammatical Dictionary of Russian language"]. In: Proceedings of the 4th Scientific Conference of Philology Students (April 9-13, 2001) (p. 89). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

5. Slioussar, N. (2000b). Porozhdenie slovoform ot russkih kvaziglagolov [Generation of nonce-verb forms in Russian]. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference of Philology Students (April 10-14, 2000) (part 2, p. 27). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

6. Slioussar, N. (2000a). Porozhdenie russkih glagol'nyh slovoform nositeljami russkogo i anglijskogo jazykov [Generation of verb forms by native speakers of Russian and English languages]. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Conference of Philology Students (April 5-9, 1999) (part 2, p. 34). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

7. Chernigovskaja, T., Gor, K., Kliorina, T., & Slioussar, N. (1999). Pravila v rechevoj dejatel'nosti: porozhdenie glagol'nyh form v rodnom i nerodnom jazyke [Rules in speech: generation of verb forms by native and non-native speakers]. In: Proceedings of the XXVIII International Philological Conference (March 15-22, 1999). General Linguistics section (part 2, pp. 67-71). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

8. Slioussar, N. (1999). Proishozhdenie drevnegrecheskoj poslovicy "ten' osla" (onou skia) [Etymology of an Ancient Greek proverb a shadow of a donkey (onou skia)]. In: Proceedings of the 1st Scientific Conference of Philology Students (April 6-10, 1998) (p. 64). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University.

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