Eric Reuland's St. Petersburg course 2006

on Natalia Slioussar's webpage

"Anaphoric dependencies: A window into the architecture of the
language system" (St. Petersburg State University, April 24-28, 2006)


"Anaphoric dependencies: A window into the architecture of the language system"

by Eric Reuland (Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS) et al.
St. Petersburg State University, April 24-28, 2006.

This course is a part of the Utrecht - St. Petersburg collaboration.

Course description:

Our ability to understand language is intricately connected with our ability to process dependencies. In this course I will focus on anaphoric dependencies. I will show how studying them does not only shed light on the structure of grammar as such, but also on the ways in which our brain is able to process dependencies. That is, considerations that initially might be thought to bear just on the architecture of the grammatical system provide evidence about the processing system as well. After a short introduction into the structure of the grammar as a whole and the anaphoric system in particular, I will review a number of recent results about the processing of anaphoric dependencies, both by healthy and by impaired individuals (ranging from agrammatics to persons with Down's and William's syndrome).

Preliminary readings:

1. Reuland, E. (2003). Anaphoric dependencies: A window into the architecture of the language system. State-of-the-Article. Glot International, 7, 3-25.
AnaphoricDependencies.pdf (227 KB)

2. Reuland, E. (2005). An overview of binding principles. Ms., Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS, October 2005.
BindingPrinciples.pdf (222 KB)

3. Reuland, E. (2004). Basic Issues in the Theory of Syntax: towards a minimalist perspective. Ms., Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS, October 2004.
BITS.doc (228 KB)

Course materials:

Here you can find all PowerPoint presentations and slides shown during the course. Moreover, there are some slides that ended up not being discussed due to the lack of time.

1. Anaphoric dependencies: A window into the architecture of the language system.
Intro.ppt (3.5 MB) - introduction and overview of the course

2. Encoding anaphoric dependencies: An overview.
Binding.doc (148 KB) - introduction to Binding Theory

3. Eye tracking experiments on anaphoric processing
EyeTracking1.ppt (1.4MB) introduction and theoretical background
EyeTracking2.ppt (348 KB) experiments

4. Case studies in anaphoric processing
CaseStudies123.doc (76 KB) introduction and three case studies presented briefly
CaseStudy4.doc (108 KB) Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia
CaseStudy5.doc (148 KB) Down Syndrome and Williams Syndrome
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