University College London
Dept. of General Linguistics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia

E-mail (main): slioussar at
E-mail (university): n.slioussar at

Ph.D. Talks

November 30, 2007. 37th West Coast Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2007) (San Diego, USA).
Russian corpus study leads to new EPP model.

November 28, 2007. An invited talk at the Institute of Slavistics, Potsdam University (Potsdam, Germany).
Syntax and prosody of Information Structure: Evidence from Russian data.

June 27, 2007. The Second Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL 2) Alternatives to cartography (Brussels, Belgium).
Relational Information Structure notions: Evidence for configurational approaches, implementation, advantages.

September 9, 2006. First Slavic Linguistics Society Conference (SLS 2006) (Bloomington, IN, USA).
Adverb placement and postverbal subjects: A call for a new theory of Russian scrambling.

June 12, 2006. The Second Biennial Conference on Cognitive Science (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Experimental study of the processing of Russian sentences with different word orders depending on discourse context.

March 24, 2006. 19th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (New York, USA).
Processing of Scrambling in Russian: the Role of Discourse Context.

March 15, 2006. XXXV International Philological Conference (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Osobennosti kommunikativnogo chlenenija predlozhenija v zavisimosti ot tipologicheskih harakteristik raznyh jazykov [Information Structure properties of different languages depending on their typology].

March 10, 2006. ELiTU (Experimental Linguistics Talks in Utrecht) Series (Utrecht, Netherlands).
Processing of Scrambling in Russian: the Role of Discourse Context.

March 15, 2005. XXXIV International Philological Conference (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Eksperimental'noe issledovanie vosprijatija russkix predlozhenij s razlichnym porjadkom slov v zavisimosti ot konteksta [Processing of Russian sentences with different word orders depending on discourse context: an experimental study].

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B.A./M.A. Talks

April, 2003. 6th Scientific Conference of Philology Students (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Morfologicheskij analiz ili izvlechenie iz pamjati: eksperiment s russkimi glagol'nymi formami [Morphological analysis or extraction from memory: an experiment with Russian verb forms].

May, 2002. "Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Laboratory Talks" Series. (University of Maryland, USA).
Russian Verb Morphology and the Structure of Mental Lexicon.

April, 2001. 4th Scientific Conference of Philology Students (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Baza dannyh po russkomu glagolu na osnove "Grammaticheskogo slovarja russkogo jazyka" [Database on Russian verb based on "The Grammatical Dictionary of Russian language"].

August, 2000. Nordic Neurolinguistic Workshop (Reykjavik, Iceland).
Mental lexicon and Russian verbal morphology: experimental study.

June, 2000. NorFA Nordic-Baltic Course and Seminar on Morphology (Tartu, Estonia).
Mental lexicon and Russian verbal morphology: experimental study.

April, 2000. 3rd Scientific Conference of Philology Students (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Porozhdenie slovoform ot russkih kvaziglagolov [Generation of nonce-verb forms in Russian].

April, 1999. 2nd Scientific Conference of Philology Students (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Porozhdenie russkih glagol'nyh slovoform nositeljami russkogo i anglijskogo jazykov [Generation of verb forms by native speakers of Russian and English languages].

April, 1998. 1st Scientific Conference of Philology Students (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Proishozhdenie drevnegrecheskoj poslovicy "ten' osla" (onou skia) [Etymology of an Ancient Greek proverb a shadow of a donkey (onou skia)].

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